Nnfamily influence in consumer behaviour pdf

It includes the study of what they buy, why they buy it, how they buy it, when. It can be distinguished between two families in the buyers life. Many factors, specificities and characteristics influence the individual in what he is and the consumer in his. One is the buyers parents who make up the family of orientation. A family may be defined as two or more people living together, related by blood or marriage who share a common house, common income and similar status and values.

The influence of family socialization on consumer choices. Motives need of consumer behavioural study, differences between oganisational buying behaviour and consumer buying behaviour. The buying tendencies of individuals vary as per their age, need, income, lifestyle, geographical location, willingness to spend, family status and so on. The study of consumer behaviour is the study of how individual make decisions to spend their available resources money, time, and effort on consumptionrelated items. The family members can strongly influence buyer behavior.

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